
Bohua Zhang
Foreign Law Researcher, Certified Public Accountant

Admissions & Certifications
China (2001)
Chinese, Japanese
Education & Career
- 2001
- Registered as a Certified Public Accountant in China
- 1998
- Graduated from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, School of Statistics and Management (B.A.)
- 1998
- Joined MYTS Group, Shanghai Office
- 2001
- China Investment Advisor at MYTS Group, Osaka Office
- 2004
- Partner at Shanghai MYTS accountant's office
- 2012
- Graduated from China Europe International Business School (EMBA)
- 2012
- General Manager at China Dept, MYTS Group, Tokyo Office
- 2012
- Partner at Shanghai MYTS accountant's office, Tokyo Branch Manager
- 2013
- Joined Uryu & Itoga