TOP各国新法令ニュース 南アフリカ新法令ニュースを更新致しました。



  1. Competition Tribunal
    Notification of decision to approve merger » Glencore International Pic and Xstrata Pic (National Gazette No 36146)
  2. Consumer Protection Act (68/2008)
    National Consumer Commission » South African Automotive Industry Code of Conduct (National Gazette No 36155)
  3. International Trade Administration Act (71/2002)
    Automotive Production and Development Programme Regulations (Government Notice No. 96 (Regulation Gazette No 36147))
  4. National Environmental Management » Air Quality Act (39/2004)
    » Proposed amendments to the 2007 National Framework for Air Quality Management in the Republic of South Africa (National Gazette No 36161)